Chapter 7: Bed frame for our camper van conversion

After completing the insulation with Armaflex XG in our Iveco Daily, we are now building the bed frame, which will be a sturdy foundation for all other components of the campervan interior. The photo on the right shows the status as is and an almost finished insulation (empy spots are left out for windows or roof hatches) with the bolted bed frame. Since it was already evening, the photo quality is only moderate…
It was a basic condition for us that the bed should offer the same sleeping comfort as we have at home. A typical solution for camper vans, is a variable bed / couch. This is not necessary for us, as we have a seating area for 4 persons in the front of the vehicle. For this reason, we are planning with a solid bed frame made of steel.
The bed frame takes up quite a lot of space in the van, because the bed it is not installed sideways. I am 1.90m tall and like to lie up straight in bed, which is not possible, if the sleeping direction is sideways, as the Iveco Daily just offers about 1,80cm in witdth.
To make sure that the finished camper offers a good sleeping comfort, we will weld a steel frame using flat iron. On top of that we will put a normal slatted frame and cold foam mattress (200 x 140cm). If you are thinking about a similar project, you can read in our camper can conversion cost overview what our bed frame and all other items have cost.
Installation of the Camper van bed frame
With a little back and forth, it was easy to lift the bedstead to its future location. To screw the bedstead firmly to the floor of the Iveco Daily, the screws (or the respective nut) had to be pushed through the pre-drilled holes from below.
At this point we can recommend: Think very carefully where you drill and how you will later insert the screws. To set the 4 screws took several hours, because it became a real issue to get your hands on the spots under the vehicle.
At last we painted the bed frame with Hammerite metal protection (primer and lacquer in one). In the picture the first layer is just applied, a second layer brings the desired coverage.

Why a steel frame?
The bed frame is now finished and we decided to create a metal frame for several reasons: First the fixed frame offers us a large space (2m x 1,40m) under the bed, where we can position water tanks, the electrical system and (according to the current plan) the gas bottle. Second, all appliances, heavy equipment, but also wooden elements (shower walls, kitchen) will be screwed onto the frame, so that everything will be firmly attached.